On March 2-3, Loveland FTC Team 10464, The Bionic Tigers, competed in the Pennsylvania State FTC Championship with 49 other teams from several states. The team had an excellent day of competition, scoring over 400 points in 5 of their 8 matches on the day. They were chosen as the first pick of the second seed alliance by Team 8393, The GIANT Diencephalic BrainSTEM Robotics Team, and their alliance won the Allegheny Division of the Tournament. In finals against the Pocono Division champions, teams 10464 and 8393 set their high score for the day of 444 points, but fell short to world record setting scores by their opponent. In recognition of their extensive work to teach STEM and robotics to Girl Scouts and others in the community, the Bionic Tigers won the Motivate Award. This award was among many that the Bionic Tigers received this season, including the Connect Award, the second place Think and Motivate Awards at the West Virginia State Tournament, the second place Design and Promote Awards at the Ohio State Tournament, and the Inspire Award at the Cincinnati Qualifying Tournament.